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hi im a 21yr old female and i found out i had hpv n i had a leep done because i had c
  (#1 (permalink))
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Default hi im a 21yr old female and i found out i had hpv n i had a leep done because i had c - 02-15-2009, 09:40 PM

okay, on Aug.23.2010 i found out i had cervical cancer when i heard those words come out of my Dr's mouth i felt like if i was hit by a train; i still remember that day but okay well yes due to HOV. so i found out i had HOV a sexual transmitted disease that i got, my boyfriend has been the 1st and only so that day i also found out that he had cheated on me, still with him yea. OK so i had my keep done everything is gone now but; my question or may i say question's are 1. is it true that we are always going to have it my boyfriend and i? 2. do we need to always wear condoms every-time? 3. what if we want to have kids? 4. is there any treatment that we need or we should take? 5. do you get this with only intercourse or also with oral or what? 6. would it help even if we have it get guardrail? please if you have answers to any of these questions please help me out, i would really appreciate it. thank you
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  (#2 (permalink))
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Default 02-16-2009, 09:40 PM

HPV is a serious thing. It first started out with a ASCUS then went to other stages. I have been through many check ups bio spy and cloudscape and pap smears. I was so terrified. I then went for laser surgery not too long ago. I have a very foul discharge that I never had. right now. I called my doctor he said it was totally normal. I am freaking right now. Once you have HPV you can get rid of it. I had it for many years now. The reason was because my body was not fighting it off. The only way to get rid of it is your immune system has to build up and get rid of it on it's own or you have laser surgery or keep or those other methods. You can get HPV from condom or no condom it is very scary it makes you not even want to have sex anymore. The day of surgery I was so dam scared. They put you to sleep after I woke up I was in recovery. I felt no pain I guess my doctor was pretty good. Anyway I just want a reply back on anyone who had laser surgery from HPV and what affects did they go through after procedure. I found out once you get rid of it you can only get it again from a new partner that has a different strand of hpv. There are many strands out there. Guys do not have a clue and there are no test for them, we the women have to suffer. Ladies trust me i did my homework and I am sure of what I say. If any replies please feel free. If you are wondering once you get treated and it is goene you don't have to worry about getting it agin because your body is already immuned to the type just as you don't go out and sleep with a new partner and get infected with a different strand. There is no passing back and forth once you are cleared even if you partner has it.
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  (#3 (permalink))
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Default 02-20-2009, 09:40 PM

My Dear Mandoluvspriscy,

First of all, I would like to make a short explanation and make a little clear statement about your perception about HPV and cervical warts (or your doc said it was a cervical cancer ?)

Genital warts,
Many people who have HPV don?t even know it, because the virus often has no signs or symptoms. That means Mandoluvspriscy can get the virus from your boy friend or pass it on to your boy friend without knowing it. In the United States, an estimated 75% to 80% of males and females will be and has been infected with HPV in their lifetime. For most, the virus will clear on its own, but when it dozen?t, HPV can have consequences:
There is always a lucky even Mandoluvspriscy said, this is a nightmare situation. HPV infections in young females are temporary and have little long-term significance. 70% of infections are gone in 1 year and 90% in 2 years. You still has a big big chances to be cured by the technology. However, when the infection persists in 5% to 10% of infected women, there is high risk of developing precancerous lesions of the cervix, which can progress to invasive cervical cancer. This is the statement which cant be happened to you my dear. You are still young, you need more time to have even precancel. You are too worry about. This process usually takes 15?20 years, providing many opportunities for detection and treatment of the Prue-cancerous lesion. Progression to invasive cancer can be almost always PREVENTED when standard prevention strategies are applied - however the lesions still cause considerable burden necessitating preventive surgeries which do in many cases involve loss of fertility. If you stiil has anxiety for the disease, you may use your right to ask for second opinion.

The answer for number 1, STD is a special case, if one of the couple has symptom, the partner must be examined and checked thoroughly and may take the same medicine with ones partner, even hasnt any complaint. The last matter is called break the chain of transmission.

No.2. My dear Mandoluvspriscy, you do not need to use rubber every time; This statement to use rubber is only applies to couples who not honest to each other. I hope Your boy friend still has an honesty deep inside. The explanation is, a rubber is to protect a new infection. Have you ever heard a theory about differential virus load to each others ? The bigger ammount virus in ones body will be transmitted to the less one.

No 3.To get a child ? It is depend to many situations. Its better you cope one by one and dont forget to ask helping by Jesus. Jesus always bless your prayer.

No 4. You will be cured by profesionalism. And You will have not any complaint then due you have found the cause, the symptom ealier and you still young.

N0. 5. If one has warts on one lips, the oral will be the choice. But if no wart at all, maybe the conventional mode is the main cause. There is a recommendation to think about to circumcision your boy friend as a safe action due to smegma is trust to be correlated to HPV ?

No. 6 . Yes, that medicine has numbers of success to give hapiness for the patients.You may take as the doct has given

As I wrote above, the last but not least, do pray with your fam and your boy friend to ask help from Jesus. And when angels pass across, they will give joys too

Have a nice day my dear,
b regrds,
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  (#4 (permalink))
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deich's Avatar
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Default 02-24-2009, 09:40 PM

i have been in a similar situation. i looked for help and i tried everything possible, but nothing worked.
a few days later, i saw an advert of a psychic/spell caster in the newspaper. he does love spells, money spells, lottery spells, weight loss spells, Get your Ex back spells, and many others. so i contacted him with my problem and asked him if he could help me. he assured me of perfect help and i sent him all necessary details and payment for the spells to be done. he asked me to wait for 9 days. after the 9Th day, i got perfect results, exactly what i wanted. i am the happiest person in the world now. i will suggest you contact this spell caster, he will surely help you.
his e-mail is:
have a peaceful day.
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