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Is Depression a reasonable reaction to a dysfunctional society?
  (#1 (permalink))
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Default Is Depression a reasonable reaction to a dysfunctional society? - 12-19-2008, 10:33 PM

The more I encounter those suffering depression (and occasionally when I feel low myself) - the more this question is on my mind.In a world where many of us are working to live, plagued by doubts and insecurities, divorced from a clear sense of identity in a planet which increasingly threatened, more of us are becoming depressed.And I wonder whether depression is not so much an illness as an appropriate reaction when faced with the world we live in.Is Depression a reasonable reaction to a dysfunctional society?
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  (#2 (permalink))
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Default 12-22-2008, 04:23 PM

it can add people at this time may feel them selves withdrawld(sorry about spelling) and lonely. they might stop doing their daily activites, atleast this happens to me. i am bipolar so this is a different type but i believe its close just not so rapid. i wouldnt blame all depressed people for this and only them, but i would say its reasons for more verbal fights.
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  (#3 (permalink))
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Default 12-27-2008, 04:13 AM

Good question. It is possible. In an imperfect world where the outcome of a situation cannot be predicted it causes people to worry. For instance, if I tell the truth about something, someone may still call me a liar and I could still lose my job over it. This may cause me to worry about being honest and lying can cause depression.
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  (#4 (permalink))
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Default 12-28-2008, 08:55 AM

According to studies, 60% of people will suffer with some type of depression in their lifetime. I was once told that us (humans) are not programmed to function in this kind of society. The pressure are too much for any normal individual to handle. Ex: weight loss, money, family, work........ you get the idea.
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  (#5 (permalink))
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Default 01-10-2009, 11:42 PM

There is a difference between everyday depression and clinical depression. I would agree that the former is a reasonable reaction to life , and that to be unwaveringly cheerful is evidence of denial or psychosis! (Check out the Buddhist 4 noble truths for an elaboration). Living in a dysfunctional society only makes the problems of living more obvious, but even the people with the best quality of life have to face reality eventually. The irony is that in a culture as dysfunctional as the modern West we are constantly told that that we *should* be happy.Clinical depression can be a useful state in forcing us to wake up to painful truths, and I think is really only a problem if prolonged e.g. by trying to ignore it, or suppress it with antidepressants which only serve to gloss over important issues. M.Scott Peck wrote a short and interesting chapter on this topic in the famous A Road Less Traveled, his best book. Another interesting take on this subject is Viktor Frankl's'Man's Search for Meaning'.
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  (#6 (permalink))
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Default 01-21-2009, 01:50 AM

We are products of our environment. Our environment is filled with people who are mentally sick. I.E. Fear, depression,anxiety,...... It is a sickness of the mind just as a cold is a sickness of the body. It also spreads like a cold. So in my opinion, yes, depression is partially due to our reaction to a dysfunctional society. But it is more so a product of us reacting in a dysfunctional manner to the things around us. I can be depressed about any bad event, or I can change my perspective and see the positive that is in it or that can come from it. Sometimes the only positive that I can see is growth. I see negative situations as a lesson. Or a time for growth. I can grow spiritually or I can wallow in my self pity and depression. This has been an ongoing change for me, since I used to suffer from depression, fear and anxiety. I grew up in a household that was controlled by fear. My mother is a severely depressed person who see's only the worst.But it is an illness. Because it makes my mind sick and not function properly just as a cold does to the body. The cure is a change in perspective and faith that everything is just the way that it is suppossed to be at that moment. Depression, in my opinion, is never appropriate. Grieving is. Which can lead to a stent of depression. But the more that I practice acceptance, the better I have become at lessening the severity of my grief and the longevity of my grieving period. Which in turn alleviates any/most of my depression. I really loved your insightful question. You have a great head on your shoulders.Take CareMarty
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  (#7 (permalink))
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Default 02-22-2009, 06:01 AM

Focus is too much on"ME". We tend to think of ourselves way too much. We don't do for others. We don't place someone elses desire over ours.We all need to get back to the real questions which are:Why am I here? How did I get here? Was I created by design and for a purpose? Am I simply a highly evolved animal that happened by random chance?The latter would make anyone narcissitic -- and make them eventually feel as if there is no reason to live...
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  (#8 (permalink))
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Default 03-27-2009, 11:57 AM

Although a large section of society is probably dysfunctional.Which is a depressing thought in itselfPeople can also get depressed during renaissance periods.Depression has so many levels.Poor people ,who may not be dysfunctional., can get depressed seeing rich people ,and visa versaAnd I know divorced people who got rid of being depressed by getting divorced.What depresses me is that I am not Immortal and /or wealthyDepression tends to relate to individual personality ,age and Environment ,but not alwaysSome kids in poor conditions or in war zones,can be unreasonable optimistic and laugh whilst having fun.And some wealthy adults in good physical condition with great sex life can become unreasonably depressed if their car wont start or their favorite hairdresser is on holidays.This question must be different for everybody viewed through their own eyes impossible to generalize.Which appear to be your mission in lifejust kiddingThe Planet is run by (probably Alien)forces that have little regard for the Environment or the life that dwells in it ,that includes us human beansThe Push for power ,precedes predicaments of the populousNow THAT is really depressingCheck www.infowars .if you want to get more depressedStill this maybe a healthy change from the women sectionagainjust kiddingHappy New YearPS maybe not all of society is dysfunctional ?but come to think of iti cannot think of an example anywhereeven the pigmy women wear bras now and get the fluThanks for getting me depressed
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