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what to do about early stage of asthma for my 3 year old daughter?
  (#1 (permalink))
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Default what to do about early stage of asthma for my 3 year old daughter? - 11-20-2008, 05:28 AM

Ive gone to the doctors, so many times this is probably her 3 time this year getting this constant coughing, she also got a high fever but it goes, but the coughing wont stop, they just keep giving medicine, and i asked the doctor he told me she is early stage for asthma, but i dint know I'm scared for her, please someone help me, i dint want this to stay with her forever, oh and me and her father we got something similar constant coughing and clogging of mucus in the chest area, they also told us it was early asthma but its gone now after it took a while, so I'm hoping maybe for her it will I'm not sure can someone please help me serious answers please....
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  (#2 (permalink))
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Default 11-24-2008, 05:28 AM

I cured my childhood asthma by undergoing vigorous exercises . Introduce her to swimming. Increased lung capacity will immediately help.
For coughs, give her ginger juice - a few drops mixed with one teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach every morning.. Avoid chemical medication as much as possible. Have faith - this will take time but it will help - permanently.
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  (#3 (permalink))
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Default 11-28-2008, 05:28 AM

Listen to the docs. Ask them questions. They are there to help. Asthma is really scary for the person who has it.
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  (#4 (permalink))
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Default 12-01-2008, 05:28 AM

I had asthma for 18 years. I will be honest and say that it is a very hard thing for children to live with, however once under control, its manageable. Asthma is usually passed on through genes...So, do you or your husband have a history of it? I got it from my father, and him from his grandfather. The best thing you can do for your child at this moment in time, is ensure that she is breathing the cleanest air possible. Remove any animals from the house if you have any. Anything that produces dander will KILL a child with asthma. Ive also found that dryer sheets, and certain types of laundry detergent produce something that constricts the airways causing wheezing. Im not sure what part of the country you live in, however areas with high levels of pollen and ragweed will also affect their breathing. I would suggest an Ionic Breeze air purifier for your home, if not 2 of them. Also, asthmatics react to stress...if they begin to wheeze, and you react hysterically, it will affect them. Remain calm, and keep your child calm. As soon as possible, get them a mobilizer...its easy enough for a child to use with some will help open the lungs up. Dont be surprised if you end up getting a regular prescription for a fast acting inhaler later on down the road...they are LIFESAVERS. Keep in touch with a good doctor who understands asthmatics. I stand behind Provencal, Ventolin, and albatross with my life...I also do not recommend any 'generic' medicines with asthma, mine got MUCH WORSE when I tried it. Only stick with brand names. Good luck, its not the end of the world, however this child is just going to need a bit more care when it comes to their health...I got it when I was 3, and grew out of it at it usually isn't around forever...although, for an asthmatic, that is forever...Also, cigarette smoke, KEEP IT AWAY from them...that goes without saying.
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  (#5 (permalink))
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Default 12-02-2008, 05:28 AM

bring your child to an immunologist. the immunologist will determine how severe your child's asthma is and what allergens your child will react. then the doctor will prescribe a regimen of medication for her. in some persons asthma will go away, in others it will go away only to return in later adult stages. in others, asthma doesn't go away.

i have asthma when i was born & have it until 3 years old. came back after 43 yrs. my 3 daughters have asthma too, in varying degrees of severity but all are controlled. i would suggest you also get a mobilizer for emergency use.
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  (#6 (permalink))
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Default 12-06-2008, 05:28 AM

Both my children have asthma. My youngest was DC at 6mos (he's 3 now) and my oldest was DC at 2 yr (6 now). For my youngest we have a mobilizer and an albatross inhaler for portability. Both of the kids are on Zyrtec. My kids have asthma and severe seasonal allergies and my oldest also has a bad peanut allergy. When my children have a bad cough I supplement with Robutussin DM (expectorant) because my youngest gets chronic bronchitis (he had pneumonia at 6KS old).
Besides medication here are some other things that you can do... elevate their heads at night with another pillow or place a pillow under their mattress to elevate; use a humidifier to keep nasal passages hydrated. And remember if discharge out of the nose is clear-allergies; if it's other color its a cold. Your baby will know what she can or can't do in terms of exercise; when she's overtaxed with running or not she'll stop. Let her set her limits not you.
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  (#7 (permalink))
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Default 12-07-2008, 05:28 AM

O.K. So, educate yours self on Asthma & Allergies. Use the Web. Find a really good Asthma and Allergy Center. And Dr. Keep a log, of when, times, its worse and better.
Morning or night?
Time of the year.
Spring, summer, Winter, or Fall,
Write the Month you might find a pattern.
Wet or dry outside (rain, cold etc.)
But, if you have a good allergist he or she will ask all these question. But it helps if your prepare for the questions. Keep track of which melds help and don't also.
Good luck.
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  (#8 (permalink))
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Default 12-10-2008, 05:28 AM

dint worry i have Had asthma all my life, as far as i no, and even though it seems scary to you now later on it will become normal and you will be able to deal with it.
when i was younger i remember that i got scared because i didn't know what was happening to me when i had an attack, so tell your daughter when she is a bit older what being asthmatic involves. Stay away from dusty places, smoke, and dogs and cats (or any animals really).
and dint worry about it, it will be fine I'm sure
hope everything works out for you
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  (#9 (permalink))
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Default 12-13-2008, 05:28 AM

While asthma is a serious condition I think that some Doctors do like to keep the patients taking medicine/antibiotic again and again.

My son was born with asthma and the pediatrician kept saying hes to little to have asthma. He took breathing treatments, steroids, etc. They said it was bronchitis. He got it all the time. so... I made him an appointment with the asthma doctor and they put him on all kind of medicine. It worked for a while but then it wouldn't so they kept changing his medicine around and I just felt like it was nursery(sp?) for him to be so young on all the medication so this is what I did.

I had several people tell me about a home remedy...if that's what you want to call it. Measure how tall your daughter is and cut a sour gum limb off the tree that is longer then how tall she is, cut a notch in the stick one Itch above the LenGHQhe is and put the sour gum limb in her closet where she cant reach it or get to it and leave it there for at least one year /or until she outgrows the notch you put into it and it starts to dry out.

Some people would think I'm crazy and I thought that about the ones that told this to me but I was desperate and to this day my son has not had one attack. He's not been on any medicine either. Its been 7 months and things are great with him! I am still amazed with the results! Remember a sour gum tree limb.

Another one is to get a Chippewa(sp). They take the/draw the asthma out of the person with it.

I'm not telling you to not give her medicine, I'm telling you my personal experience with my son that HAS worked.
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