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sexual dysfunction- meds or some other cause?
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carol j
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Default sexual dysfunction- meds or some other cause? - 12-26-2008, 09:59 PM

i am on several medications: metformin and glimepiride, for diabetes, lipitor-high cholestrol and accupril for high blood pressure. i have a feeling of pressure that makes me feel as though i need to have a bowel movement or pass gas, neither of these things happens or if they do i still feel no relief from the pressure. i have been unable to achieve an orgasm, alone or with my partner. i feel as though my head is'in the clouds', most of the time and i have the spots, similar to those after you get a flash photo taken......any ideas what could cause these things? are they related? i stopped taking the blood pressure med and the spots are not as bad but i still don't feel 100%.....opinions, experiences and ideas appreciated, thank you. the sexual dysfunction part has been very gradual until the last few days and i am completely without sensation in thar area,now.
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