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Default 06-12-2009, 04:11 AM

No direct connection. Lukemia is a cancer of the blood and caused by infection(s) somewhere in the body. It typically takes about 8 to 10 years of infections for cancer to form.To get rid of the bleeding gums is very easy. All you have to do is tell your boyfriend to floss very well and then brush well with a soft toothbrush. This will cause some bleeding, but get rid of the particles of food, etc. that are irritating the gums. Now go to: (800) 370 - 3447 and order two things: Neem Oil and Neem Bark. Have them UPS this to you and it's not expensive. Mix a little of each together 50/50 and this will form a paste. Apply this to the gums all over first thing in the morning and before bed. After 1 day, the bleeding will stop. Keep doing this for about 2 or 3 weeks and this will heal the gums and even reduce the so called"dental pockets"to zero if you keep applying the mix. It sure beats surgery and some of the crazy things dentists recommend for this problem.Now, you need to look at your digestion next. This is the"root cause"of plaque build up on teeth. Primitive people did NOT get cavities or plaque build up. If you look at pictures of primitive people smiling in photographs, you will see bright, beautiful teeth with NO cavities. It wasn't until"modern man's"diet of sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils came into existence when even the offspring of these lucky people got cavities and dental problems. And guess what, they never, ever used flouride on their teeth. This whole flouride thing is terrible for your body and depletes your body of iodine causing all kinds of problems for you. Dentists are not trained in nutrition and cause lots of problems for people with their advice regarding flouride among other things they do. Tell your boyfriend to find a toothpaste that does NOT have fluoride or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in it. That Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a surfactant that causes sudsing and it also opens the pores letting germs and disease get into your tissues contributing to the bleeding problem.Toothpaste companies have succeeded in ENDOCTRINATING people about what they should do and now YOU need to get educated so you won't fall into their marketing trap they have set for you. Learn the truth and it truly will set you free from the lies you believe.A good toothpaste I've found is Peelu. You can get this at most healthfood stores and I use the Peppermint flavor. The non-flavor tastes like old goat hair. It cleans your teeth really well.Good luck to you
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