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Default 01-04-2009, 02:05 AM

Most doctors will tell you that you can start trying right away. As long your body has completely passed everything and your periods are back to normal, and your cycle is fine, then you should be in the clear. Your body will know. When your cycle returns to normal your body has too. For the most part. And if you are trying, pay attention to your diet. Start taking prenatals now. If you get pregnant right away then don't worry. Misscarriages happen for a reason. Keep that in mind. Maybe something would have been wrong with the fetus and rather than have a child that would have suffered God knows it's best to just end it and try again. I've had a misscarriage, but I've got 2 children and another on the way. And yes I still worry about loosing this one, I am almost 5 months along, and I still watch for spotting when I got to the bathroom. The fear will not end until you are holding your child in your arms. And even then, lol, don't mothers tend to check to see if their children are still breathing for a very long time. I still do. I had my misscarriage in between my daughter and my son, they don't necessarally set the grid for how your future pregnancies will go. So try not to worry too much. If I hadn't misscarried the one I did, with a guy that I thought was the one and ran when I got pregnant. I wouldn't have my son with my husband or the one that is due in Feb. Things happen for a reason. And he is a great father to my daughter from a previous relationship.
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