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  (#6 (permalink))
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Default 03-20-2009, 09:26 AM

The major difference between anxiety and adrenalin, is that one afects the brain mostly, and the latter affects the body.Anxiety is a long term activity such as worrying, whereas an adrenalin rush is caused by a specific highly challenging occurence.Eg. When faced by a dangerous situation (god forbid - but for example) you are faced with a man holding a gun. Your body reacts by releasing adrenalin into the system. This prepares your body for'fight or flight'. Blood is taken away from the brain to the muscles which prepare them selves for activity. Hence people feel faint when frightened and they go'white as a ghost'. When the adrenalin is not used up the body is left in a highly'charged'state and this is uncomfortable. Hence trembling.In your case, you're getting the adrenalin rush when meeting family. It's probably not possible for you to run 10 times around the block, but anything you can do to help get rid of the adrenalin might help.Better still, work at trying to assure yourself that these meetings are not a'threat situation'and that you're not in danger.
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